The international doctoral and post-doctoral program

The international doctoral and post-doctoral program of the PEPR DIADEM aims to promote innovative training that will focus on “Accelerated discovery of materials for major transitions”


Objectifs :
  • Promote cooperation through the co-construction of PhD and postdoctoral topics with associated international partners 
  • Prepare PhD students to engage in their professional life through highly recommended mobility
  • Develop and/or strengthen international collaborations in a highly competitive field

PhD and postdoctoral topics at the heart of major transitions



Une co-construction des sujets avec les pilotes du PEPR DIADEM, les laboratoires français, les plateformes d’accélération DIADEM, les partenaires internationaux et industriels


network of international partners based on pre-existing collaborations with the CNRS and the CEA



International PhD and postdoctoral projects based on


(PhD and postdoctoral scholarships + mobility allowances)




Application details: Submission in real time to start the maturation process. For more information, please contact:

The other aspects of the training program