DIADEM Training Program

The PEPR DIADEM, which aims to support the methodological shift in the way materials science and engineering research is conducted in France, naturally included a training component from the early stages of its development to facilitate this change management. This “training” component is therefore a tool for implementing the PEPR strategy, alongside targeted projects, the platforms of the DIADEM Discovery Hub, and national calls for projects open to the entire French “materials” community.

Born from a collective intelligence mechanism through a call for expressions of interest (AMI), the PEPR DIADEM training program is inherently a collaborative effort with two main objectives: to maximize national impact and enhance the skills of research teams on the topic of accelerated materials discovery for the major digital and environmental transitions, and to promote the international visibility of these teams. The goal is to maximize the necessary attractiveness for young talent within our unique network of platforms in order to serve the specific objective of accelerated materials discovery. Finally, this program should also help to anticipate, as much as possible, the post-DIADEM period by proposing actions that align with long-term goals. The development of a true school of thought, which is at the heart of this training program, must be sustainable and aligned with the government’s commitment to significantly increase the number of graduates at all levels in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields, including AI (AI Clusters).

The DIADEM training program aims to cover the entire lifecycle of materials and integrate the constraints of sustainable development and sovereignty.