X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at ESRF
One of the two instruments of FAME-PIX (French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental science – Ptychography Imaging with X-ray) is dedicated to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. This instrument will be open to users in 2025, once the entire line has been refurbished, and will be based on the FAME line in operation from 2002 to 2023. By combining photon flux optimization and fluorescence detection, the instrument can probe chemical elements at concentrations ranging from 50ppm to 100%, under in situ conditions (high pressure & high temperature…), operando (electrochemistry or catalysis cells…), at low temperature (sensitive samples, phase transition studies…).
Platform manager: Jean-Louis HAZEMANN
Associated targeted project coordinators: Etienne BUSTARRET, Nathalie BOUDET
Technical characteristics
- Source: Bending magnet
- Main optical elements:
- 1st collimating mirror (Rh-coated Si mirror),
- 2-crystal monochromator (Si220, 1st crystal cooled with liquid nitrogen, 2nd crystal focusing horizontally),
- 2nd focusing mirror (Rh-coated Si mirror)
- Beam characteristics on sample: 200×100 µm2 (FWHM), flux of the order of 5.1011 photons/s
- Detector: 16-element germanium solid-state detector (Mirion)
Associated targeted project