Nano-hybrid 1D/2D (ANAPURNA)

The ANAPURNA platform (Artificial-iNtelligence-Assisted Platform for Ultimate pRoduction of NAnocomposite coatings) is based on a “safe-by-design” process for developing nanostructured coatings composed of nanoparticles coated in a matrix on 2-inch substrates by combining the nanoparticle jets with magnetron sputtering. The process makes it possible to independently choose the chemical nature of the nanoparticles and that of the matrix in a wide range.

Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA-Saclay).

Platform manager: Olivier SUBLEMONTIER

Associated targeted project coordinator: Yann LECONTE

The nanoparticles are delivered aerodynamically using aerodynamic lenses. The reactor can be coupled to the FastNano Flame Pyrolysis Spray reactor or use an aerosol generator powered by a suspension of previously synthesized nanoparticles. The prototype includes 3 aerodynamic lenses allowing the simultaneous or sequential deposition of 3 different types of nanoparticles on the same surface of a substrate. The material making up the matrix is deposited simultaneously by magnetron sputtering using 3 cathodes which can be used either simultaneously or sequentially. The resulting deposit can therefore be a complex and controlled assembly in its thickness, homogeneous on its surface, giving rise to multifunctional coatings. The fully automated ANAPURNA platform will be equipped with a system for in situ and real-time characterization of the elemental composition of coatings by laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIBS). AI processing of LIBS data in situ and in real time within a few years will allow a posteriori 3D elementary analysis of the coating, and therefore faster convergence towards the desired nanocomposite.