Mobile LIBS platform
The mobile LIBS platform is designed for rapid characterization of materials as close as possible to the manufacturing process, enabling rapid decisions on the manufacturing process and accelerating the development of high-performance materials. The instrument is mobile, and can be positioned close to manufacturing equipment, or directly docked to manufacturing equipment for in-situ analysis where possible. Characterization with the LIBS instrument enables non-contact detection of all chemical elements using laser pulses, giving access to the state of homogeneity or gradients in terms of composition over distances of several centimeters, in 2D if required (mapping). The ability to dig with the laser beam provides in-depth information.
CEA Saclay, Building 467
Platform manager: Daniel L’HERMITE
Associated targeted project coordinator: Christophe DUJARDIN
Technical characteristics
- Lateral spatial resolution: 50 µm
- Laser wavelength: 1064 nm
- Distance from sample: 15 cm
- Laser cadence: 20 Hz
- Emission line detection spectral band: 200 to 1000 nm
- Mapping acquisition time: 150 measurement points / 10 min
- Dimensions :
- Floor area 60×60 cm² for analysis head
- 80×80 cm² for PC bloc and spectrometer
- Disassembly / reassembly time: 15 min / 20 min
- Laser safety: Class 1 with analysis chamber

Associated targeted project