Instrumented nanoindenter

This instrumented nanoindenter enables nanoindentations to be carried out on all types of materials, with effort/displacement curves recorded. Measurements can be taken at temperatures up to 800°C.

CEA Le Ripault

Platform managers: Nicolas VIVET, François GUILLET

Associated targeted project coordinator: Fabrice ROSSIGNOL

Note: these technical specifications are taken from the specifications pending responses to the current call for tenders.

  • Quasi-static mode with charge/discharge cycles
  • Dynamic mode for CSM, DMA analysis
  • AFM observation or similar mode
  • Stage temperature 800°C under neutral atmosphere
  • Grid or marker point mapping capability

Data-driven development and fabrication of ceramics and thermostructural composites: Research platform on the Factory of the Future, the Big data, the Artificial Intelligence and the associated Information Systems