Hybrid PVD reactor

The hybrid PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) equipment is intended for treatments by vacuum processes and more particularly the development of metallic or ceramic coatings by magnetron cathode sputtering and by the PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) process. It allows the production of coatings at temperatures close to ambient temperature.

UTT/LASMIS/Antenne de Nogent

Platform managers : Soufyane ACHACHE

Mohamed EL GARAH


Associate targeted project coordinator: Fanny BALBAUD

This is a low-pressure deposition machine that can deposit from 4 targets (diameter 200 mm) simultaneously (Figure 1). The main features are:

  • Ultimate vacuum: secondary, pressure < 3.10-6 mbar
  • Four cathodes for sources with a diameter of 200 mm
  • Four 3kW pulsed DC/DC power supplies
  • A HIPIMS power supply
  • An RF power supply for polarization of the substrate holder
  • A turntable (variable speed up to 20 rpm).
  • Six fully equipped gas lines (Ar, O2, CH4, N2, C6H12 and Si(CH3)4)

Accelerated development of corrosion-resistant materials