High-throughput platform for synthesis and characterization of polymers by flow chemistry

The platform includes a flow chemistry reactor suitable for the synthesis of polymers in homogeneous solution by chain polymerization, involving the radical and ring opening pathways, or by polyaddition. This reactor is coupled to a high-throughput steric exclusion chromatography chain, i.e. capable of carrying out an analysis every ten minutes. The acquisition of a so-called “benchtop” 80 MHz NMR is planned for September 2024. This equipment will notably allow continuous monitoring of the conversion of the monomer during polymerization. The platform is supplemented by specific equipment allowing “off-line” characterization of the biodegradability of polymer nanodispersions, aerobically and anaerobically.

LCPO Laboratory, UMR-CNRS 5629 Université de Bordeaux/Bordeaux INP

Platform managers: Simon HARRISON

Daniel TATON

Associated targeted project coordinator: Jean-François GERARD

Flow Chemistry Polymer Synthesis System:

  • Pressure up to 100 psi; Temperature Range: 20 – 150°C
  • Characterization by SEC (RI detector, 80MHz NMR to come)
  • Access to a glove box for preparing sensitive reagents
  • Possibility of post-functionalization

High-throughput characterization platform:

Design of polymer materials accelerated by artificial intelligence tools and high-throughput preparation and characterization methods