High-throughput 3D metallurgy (INSSTEK 3D)

The high-throughput additive manufacturing development platform includes

Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy et SIMAP, Grenoble.

Platform managers : Julien ZOLLINGER

Guilhem MARTIN

Associated targeted project coordinator: Alexis DESCHAMPS


Ytterbium Fiber Laser (1.07 μm) 500W, 641 cm3 construction chamber, 4 independent powder tanks, “self-purging” system for controlling oxygen content < 50 ppm.

Materials: steels, aluminum, nickel, titanium

LPBF Replicator: SIMaP design for the manufacturing chamber part. Trumpf laser adjustable in power from 50 to 1000 W (wavelength 1070 nm). Chamber under continuous argon inerting. Build plate between 16 and 6 mm in diameter. Can be used both in the laboratory and on a synchrotron beamline allowing 3D imaging (X-ray tomography). More details on how the replicator works, see https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0090623. Proof of concept using a mixture of Cu and Cr powder: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115957.

Materials: Aluminum alloys, copper alloys, for other materials to discuss

Design by artificial intelligence and high-throughput data of advanced alloys and innovative metallurgical concepts for structural applications