Hexapod for 3D X-ray tomography imaging
This mechanical testing device is designed to deform porous architectural materials (cellular materials, fibrous materials, lattice networks, etc…) of milli- to centimetric sizes, in order to study their mechanical behavior under multi-axial loading, i.e., by subjecting the samples to the relative movement of the hexapod jaws with simple or complex kinematics according to the three possible translations and rotations. The system is designed for insertion into X-ray microtomographs (synchrotron or laboratory sources). As a result, it will be possible to make in situ, or even real-time, 3D observations of the mesostructures of these materials during loading, in order to analyze their deformation mechanisms. These tests will a priori be carried out at room temperature.
CNRS 3SR Lab, Grenoble
Platform manager: Laurent ORGEAS
Coordinator of associated targeted project: Laurent ORGEAS
Technical characteristics
Note : these technical specifications are taken from the specifications pending responses to the current call for tenders.
- Transmissible axial force Fz: 5kN
- Transmissible lateral forces Fx and Fy: 2 kN
- Axial and lateral strokes Tx, Ty, Tz: ± 50 mm
- Axial rotation Rz: ± 30 °
- Lateral rotations Rx et Ry: ± 23 °
- Kinematic control with dedicated controller and integrated software
- Force measurement with multi-axis, full-range machine and full-range sensors /10
Associated targeted projet