The beamline can perform GISAXS and GIWAXS measurements on the SAXS bench and kappa diffractometer over an energy range from 6 to 27 keV. With the DIADEME-ESRF project, an experimental development will be carried out to offer the possibility of carrying out GISAXS and GIWAXS measurements at high material throughput.

ESRF, beamline D2AM/BM02

Platform manager: Gilbert CHAHINE

Associated targeted project coordinators: Etienne BUSTARRET, Nathalie BOUDET

  • Two large detectors (CdTe and Si for high and low energies respectively) will be available.
  • The beamline will be equipped with new positioning and sample changer systems.
  • Positioning will be carried out by a hexapod (stroke ±20 mm, inclination ±15 degrees) mounted on a rotation stage, enabling grazing incidence operation.
  • A collaborative robot (range 500 mm, repeatability 0.03 mm) will handle sample changing, and an automatic alignment protocol will be implemented.

Accelerated X-ray Characterization of Materials at the French CRD beamlines of the ESRF