Autonomous robotic synthesis of powders and thin films

The ExploraMat autonomous research platform allows the synthesis of materials in the form of powders or thin films, their structural and chemical characterization, as well as the measurement of their electrical properties. The strength of the platform is to be able to produce several dozen samples from solutions containing up to 8 different cations and to be able to optimize a given property using all the characterizations carried out. It is an autonomous platform in that the synthesis, characterization and analysis of data as well as optimization are carried out without human intervention. The platform is currently focused on dielectric measurements on oxide materials, but its modularity makes it possible to consider other applications such as photocatalysis, ionic conduction properties, etc.

SPMS Laboratory – CentraleSupelec / CNRS / Université Paris-Saclay/

Platform manager / Coordinator of the associated targeted project : Guilhem DEZANNEAU

The ExploraMat autonomous research platform enables the production of materials in the form of powders or thin films. The range of compositions is extremely vast since more than 8 stock solutions can be dosed together as well as several powders, resulting in very complex formulations. The materials produced will then be characterized automatically using:

All of the characterizations carried out in automatic mode will be subject to subsequent processing to extract relevant information on the materials produced in terms of composition, phase, microstructure and properties.

After the completion of a certain number of syntheses intended to feed a database, the syntheses will be reprogrammed automatically in order to optimize the initial target properties.

High-throughput combinatorial and autonomous pathways in Solid State Chemistry