3D printer 6-axis biopol in operando

The 3D printer envisaged consists of a 6-axis robot equipped with a laser scanner and different interchangeable extrusion heads allowing the deposition of:

Alongside the 3D printing process, the articulated arm can perform 3D scanning operations for dimensional control of printed parts and pick and place operations to manipulate printed objects (i.e. position them in nearby measuring instruments).

The printer comes with dedicated applications for:

All 3D printing, scanning and handling operations can be automated according to application needs.

It is planned to put this system in laboratory or synchrotron x-ray microtomographs.

LGP2 – UMR5518 – CNRS – Grenoble-INP.

Platform manager: Davide BENEVENTI

Associated targeted project coordinator: Laurent ORGEAS

Note: these technical characteristics come from the specifications for submission to a call for tenders.

Design Accéléré de Matériaux Architecturés