3D/4D Poudrinnov (Metal/Polymer Additive Manufacturing)

Over 1500m2, the Poudrinnov platform at CEA Grenoble combines metal and polymer additive manufacturing technologies to meet innovation needs. The resources and skills implemented make it possible to address issues across the entire value chain: raw materials (functionalization of powders and formulations), design and modeling (DFAM, cellular structures, process simulation), manufacturing of components. and POC (different technologies described below), characterizations of materials and components, finishing of components (surface treatment, coatings) and technical-economic and environmental assessments

CEA Grenoble.

Responsible of the platform: Christophe BRANLY

Coordinator of the associated targeted project: Frédéric DEMOLY

The illustration gives an overview of the different metal and polymer Additive Manufacturing equipment on the platform. This equipment is supplemented by means of functionalizing raw materials such as 2 extruders and a Hosokawa mixer/granulator with high shear rate.

Accelerated discovery and development of smart materials and active structures by 4D printing