2D platform for dynamic combinatorial synthesis of materials using HiPIMS PVD technology

Autonomous experimentation has emerged as an effective approach to accelerate the pace of materials discovery. Although autonomous synthesis has become widespread in the healthcare field, solution synthesis of hybrid materials and nanoparticles, examples of autonomous tools for physical vapor deposition are still quite rare but extremely important for the sectors low-carbon energies, frugal digital technology, the environment and health. The Diadem 2D platform allows the dynamic combinatorial synthesis of thin layers of functional coatings with increasingly complex compositions and architectures using PVD-type vacuum deposition technologies, in HiPIMS mode for these different applications.

CEA Saclay – INSTN.

Platform manager : Nihed CHAABANE

This flexible and scalable installation has a system of 4 magnetron cathodes that can work in confocal mode or not. This multi-cathode system makes it possible to modify the synthesis parameters and therefore to produce a large number of samples under different parametric conditions during the same deposition cycle. It is equipped with an in situ real-time monitoring device by UV visible optical spectrometry for plasma diagnosis and high-throughput Ex situ characterization devices for Raman spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence. It aims in particular to strongly contribute to the development of a digital twin of HiPIMS technology. The use of an AI tool, developed at the CEA, Expressif Materials, will make this equipment completely autonomous.