Call for proposals 2023

This Call for Proposals is closed

The DIADEM 2023 call for proposals constituted a full-scale survey of communities, themes not yet covered by DIADEM and potential interactions with pre-existing accelerated discovery platforms. The diversity of these projects resulted both from the multiplicity of approaches in the field of materials and from a desire for maximum thematic openness.

After the evaluation process of the 35 complete projects by an international jury external to DIADEM, 17 projects were selected for a total amount of €15 million.

These projects made it possible to introduce new themes into DIADEM: catalysis, molecular materials, ionic liquids, photovoltaics, magnetic materials, bio-sourced foams, coatings and thin films.

Metal materials

  • ALEUTIAN: Eutectic alloys developed by artificial intelligence and numerical computations
  • MIAM: Accelerating the discovery of innovative permanent magnets with reduced content of critical rare earths
  • NACRE: bimetallic NAnoparticles, Chemical ordeR and machinE learning
  • CROCUS: miCro laboRatory fOr antiCorrosion solUtion deSign
Molecular, polymer and biosourced materials

  • PHURIOUS: Highly reactive PolyHydroxyURethanes from bIobased resOUrceS
  • GreenFOAM: Accelerated discovery and optimization of high-performance green foams with controlled hierarchical architecture by light-driven processes
  • MISTRAL: Molecular chemistry for the nexT geneRAtion of ferroeLectrics
Non-metallic materials

  • AMADEUS: Automated and machine learning driven design and discovery of high entropy ceramics perovskite oxides for energy applications
  • MADNESS: Artificial intelligence-assisted methodology for the discovery of new materials in molten salts
  • MATCH-UP: MATerials disCovery for next generation pHotovoltaics via highthroUghPut synthesis, characterization and ai-based analysis

  • ADVANCE: AI-Driven Valuation and Novel Creation of Energy-efficient, Low-Dimensional, High-Entropy Alloys with Superior Catalytic Performance for Hydrogen Production
  • DREAM-BIO: accelerated DiscoveRy of nEw cAtalyst Materials for production of BIO-fuel
  • M2P2-HEA : Multi-scale methodology for predicting the properties of high entropy alloys
Synthesis of nanoparticles

  • BiMAn: Bimetallic magnetic nanoparticles with controlled anisotropy : from the chemical synthesis to the fabrication of optimized materials. Machine learning assistance
Surface engineering

  • ASTERIX: Advanced Surface Technologies for Resilient and Innovative materials in eXtreme environment
  • GRENAT: data-auGmented mAterial engineeRing for advaNced surfacE functTionalization

  • OPTISCRAPS: Lifting the locks of the green steel industry through the optimized use of scraps and their residuals and the dynamic design of alloys